Your Kids don’t Drive but they Use the Roads and Must be Kept Safe

Your Kids don’t Drive but they Use the Roads and Must be Kept Safe

Your Kids don’t Drive but they Use the Roads and Must be Kept Safe

  • Paul Chiedum

  • 19 Sep 2023

  • 3 minute read

Dear Parent,

I write to you today, appealing that you ensure that our little angels, your children, are kept safe on the roads, whether you are available or not.

At such a tender age, they are so bright and bubbly, and you know, you can make use of this to ensure they are safe. Over time, I have carried out research, and read books and articles on ways to make sure our kids are aware of road laws, signs and usage. 

Ever wondered why they love cartoons so much, recite the songs and mimic the activities of these cartoons long after they are done watching them, and in some cases, well most cases, even when they are grown?

The answer is quite simple, their cartoons are colourful and eye catchy, and their songs, are ever so interesting to the ears. I sometimes find myself, even as an adult, singing along with my little cousins. Why not implement the same in teaching them about the road? Here are a few ways you can go about it.

  1. Draw or paint: You could either draw road signs and have these little ones identify them or better still, identify them together. You could also have them draw or paint them as a fun activity. They would be so excited about their work that they most likely would chant their names all over the place till you would beg for them to stop.

  2. Songs hardly go wrong: Try turning road signs or road usage into a song and teach it to them. The colours of the traffic lights and what they stand for, how to cross the road, the importance of using your seat belt and so much useful information can be taught to them using songs.

  3.  Turn safety education to crosswords: Crossword puzzles, this is a personal favourite because it is both fun and educational. It would take a bit of time and thinking to set up, but trust me, it is worth every bit of the time spent. PS; you would need to put in a lot of work to outsmart those little champs.

  4. The guessing game: You could make sounds with your mouth or download these sounds on a device, play them for the kids and have them tell you what sounds they are. These sounds should be common sounds that would be heard on the road. What this does is that, even when they do not see, they would know when danger is approaching and flee.

These are for sure guaranteed win-win situations. You get to educate your kids and also spend quality time with them. 

If you need more tips, even for adults, I’m sure there are a few things you could learn from me.

With Love,

A person who cares.